We Are Your Energy Expert

Providing independent, research driven advice to manage risk and recommend optimal buying opportunities

Join The Collective Buying Power Of

GWh of Electricity
MDth of Nat Gas

Specifically designed for chambers, associations, and other professional organizations; By partnering with us to coordinate bulk electricity and natural gas purchases for your members, you can bring a very real financial benefit to small and mid-sized businesses in your organization.


The Benefits

  • Load Factor Analysis & Optimization
  • Bulk Purchasing Power
  • Supplier Pre-qualification
  • A Competitively Bid Procurement Process
  • Transparent Contract Terms & Conditions

Payment To Your Organization

AGE makes a contribution to your organization based on the size of your Buying Group.

The Process

We work with your organization to develop and conduct a marketing campaign that educates your organization’s members about the benefits of participating in the Buying Group. We also provide support materials and marketing collateral to maximize participation in the program.

During the initial enrollment period, eligible members may include their electric and natural gas loads in the Buying Group by completing a brief opt-in form. At the close of the enrollment period, we analyze and optimize the Buying Group’s load characteristics by placing participants into tranches. The Group’s aggregate load is then distributed across our network of partnered suppliers to be bid on.

Once we have secured the best rate available for the Group, AGE manages the switching process for each participating member to ensure a smooth transition to their new electric or natural gas supply providers.

New participants can be added to the group at any time after the initial enrollment period to take advantage of the Buying Group’s bulk purchasing power.

Large industrial users of electricity and natural gas require specialized management of their energy. We develop custom energy strategies by offering a wide variety of managed portfolio services that are tailored to your risk tolerance and procured through a competitive bidding process with best-in-class suppliers.


The Process

We begin with a comprehensive review of your business’ historical energy usage and expenditure, including bill auditing and load profile analysis.  We work with your management team to provide insight into current market trends and to assess several key characteristics of your business including risk tolerance, the need for budget certainty, and the viability of any efficiency improvements that may be implemented to reduce your energy use and overall cost.

Based on these considerations, we will develop a custom-tailored, research driven energy strategy that recommends which products to consider (fixed price, index, block & index, etc.) over a specific time horizon (contract duration).

Once your strategy has been established, AGE will distribute a request for proposal to our partnered suppliers and manage a competitive bidding process.  We will analyze the component-costs of each offer returned including credit/collateral requirements, billing terms, the price of energy, line losses, capacity, transmission, ancillaries, and RPS to ensure that all offers are compared on an ‘apples to apples’ basis.  We will present our findings in an executive summary format, answer any questions you may have, and recommend a winning supplier & contract.

AGE will continue to monitor your account after contract execution to provide update reports, recommend future buying opportunities, and ensure compliance by your selected supplier.

What Is Your Energy Strategy?

Let us help you develop a strategy to maximize your savings!

The optimal strategy for your business will be based on the answer to questions like:
  • What is my Load Factor/Profile?
  • What is the Market Outlook?
  • What is my Risk Tolerance?
  • Do I want to Hedge the Market?
  • What is the optimal Contract Duration?
  • Do I have Energy Efficiency options?

We guide municipalities through the aggregation process to deliver a turn-key means of lowering the residential electric and natural gas rates of entire communities – each participating household can save hundreds of dollars per year.


The Residential Aggregation Process

Opt-out aggregation is an incredibly efficient means of bringing the benefits of electricity and natural gas competition to residential and small commercial customers quickly and with the legal/privacy safeguards of a municipally organized process.

In many states, legislation permits municipal authorities (cities, counties, etc.) to propose a referendum which, if approved, entitles the governing body to consult with a licensed aggregation consultant to put their residential and small business electricity and/or natural gas loads out for bid among a group of competitive retail suppliers in order to secure substantially lower rates than what would be available to individual residents.

As the Municipal Authority’s aggregation consultant, AGE would NOT send any electricity offers directly to residents. Instead, we would function in an educational capacity; managing an information campaign to explain how the municipal aggregation process works to the members of the community.

Our team will help you decide which solution brings the best results for your community. We will be with you each step of the way, guiding you through the process, ensuring regulatory compliance, and securing the best rates.

Our consulting services come at no direct out of pocket expense to the municipality or residents of your community. When a referendum is approved and a lower rate offered by a qualified supplier is selected by municipal officials, AGE will be compensated by the winning bidder.

Benefits of Community Aggregation

  • Community-wide aggregation has proven to be the most effective way for residents to secure lower electricity & natural gas rates.
  • Competitively bid aggregation rates are nearly 25% less than those offered on an À la carte basis.
  • Residents are provided the option of a guaranteed fixed rate over a 12 to 36 month term.
  • As competitive suppliers compete with one another to serve your community’s electric and gas load, the winner is the customer!
  • AGE is an independent aggregation consultant (not a supplier sales representative); we work on behalf of the municipality to ensure that only the best offer wins.
Participating businesses love that they can gain significant savings on their monthly electricity and natural gas bills – freeing up capital to reinvest in their businesses and helping the Chamber achieve its goals.
Les O'Dell | Executive Director, Carbondale Chamber of Commerce
AGE provided the best proposal for our business and kept in constant contact with me, making sure they supplied all the information that I needed. We have seen significant reductions in both our natural gas and electric expenses and AGE provides updates each month on future market trends. I would recommend AGE without reservation.
Kevin Kuhnke | Senior Plant Engineer, The Swan Corporation
Request A Custom Proposal

Don't fall into one of the service categories listed above? No problem!

If you have any question concerning your energy use, we're here to help you answer it.
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